Letter from the Board President and State Superintendent

Dear Marylanders:
The Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education are dedicated to raising the quality of education for every student in Maryland. In order to ensure student success at scale, we must address the present and persistent historical challenges across our state’s educational system.
Dear Marylanders:
The Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education are dedicated to raising the quality of education for every student in Maryland. In order to ensure student success at scale, we must address the present and persistent historical challenges across our state’s educational system.
Dear Marylanders:
The Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education are dedicated to raising the quality of education for every student in Maryland. In order to ensure student success at scale, we must address the present and persistent historical challenges across our state’s educational system.
Educational experiences in Maryland before the COVID-19 pandemic did not prepare all students for postsecondary success nor did they meet our workforce needs. In 2019, 57% of Maryland’s 10th grade students and 59% of 3rd grade students were not proficient in English language arts. These challenges also held true in math where 73% of students were not proficient in Algebra I. Furthermore, 75% of Black/African American boys were not proficient in math in 3rd grade, and 76% of students eligible for Free and Reduced Price Meals were not proficient in English language arts in 3rd grade.
The pandemic has only exacerbated our challenges. As we continue to work to overcome these deficits, a return to normal is not good enough. We must tackle the opportunity and achievement gaps that have persisted in our state. This will ensure that all students, from advanced learners to those who are struggling and have been historically underserved, receive the necessary support in order to reach their full potential.
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future was passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021 to transform public education in the state into a world-class education system. The legislation presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fulfill the promise of an excellent and equitable education for all children in Maryland.
To accomplish this, the Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education have developed a multiyear Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan aligns our vision, mission, values, priorities, enablers, goals, and flagship programs, initiatives, and strategies to the Blueprint’s promise of an excellent and equitable education for every student. The Strategic Plan anchors the Blueprint legislation into the organizational fabric of our everyday work and embodies the aspirations that the people of Maryland have for our students.
Through our engagement efforts, we know that more than 86% of stakeholders believe the quality of public schools is “extremely important” for Maryland’s success as a state. We worked collaboratively and transparently with educators, families, local school systems, boards of education, institutions of higher education, the Accountability and Implementation Board, employers, and stakeholders across our state to collect feedback and ensure we heard from as many people as possible while seeking out and prioritizing new and underrepresented voices.
The elements outlined in this plan are an investment in our students’ future. It is a testament to our collective belief in the power of education to transform lives and uplift communities. We value the input and support of all stakeholders who have contributed to this process. Your engagement and collaboration have been instrumental in shaping our Strategic Plan and ensuring that it reflects the diverse needs and aspirations of our state. As we continue to implement the Blueprint and execute our Strategic Plan, we will remain open to feedback and continuously seek opportunities for improvement.
We cannot do this alone. Together, we will create classrooms that instill a love for learning, foster critical thinking, and nurture the unique talents of each student. We look forward to your continued support as we seize this opportunity to transform public education so that all Maryland students are ready to be successful in college, career, and life.

President, Maryland State Board of Education

State Superintendent of Schools