What is the Strategic Plan?

A Transformative Path Forward in Support of Every Student in Maryland

The Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education have developed a multiyear Strategic Plan composed of three phases leading up to June 2023. The Strategic Plan anchors the vision, mission, values, priorities, enablers, goals, and flagship programs, initiatives, and strategies to realize the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future promise of an excellent and equitable education for every student.

Foundational Components of the Strategic Plan

Vision & Mission

Phase 1 Release

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Phase 1 Release

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Priorities & Enablers

Phase 1 Release

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Goals & Success Metrics

Phase 2 Release

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Flagship Programs, Initiatives & Strategies

Phase 3 Release

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Overview of Strategic Plan Phases and Timeline

The Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education have envisioned the development and release of the Strategic Plan in three phases that span from October 2022 to June 2023.

Phase 1


Extending from November 2021 to October 2022, this phase focused on gaining initial input from a wide range of stakeholders representing the diversity of the state. Through multiple methods, from a statewide survey to roundtables and listening sessions, to the State Superintendent shadowing students in schools throughout the state, we learned what mattered most to our communities to transform public education in Maryland. The feedback we received helped shape the Strategic Plan’s foundational elements, specifically the vision, mission, values, priorities, and enablers.

Phase 2


Between October 2022 and February 2023, the Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education continued to engage with our communities to refine the Phase 1 elements of the Strategic Plan, and develop the goals and metrics linked to each of the priorities and enablers. Engagement took the form of regional data walks with stakeholders, ongoing student shadows, and a new series of roundtables and community events. The goals and metrics released in this phase provided insight on our direction as we moved into Phase 3 of the strategic planning process.

Phase 3


Between February and June 2023, we engaged with stakeholders using previous methods and planning charettes to identify flagship programs, initiatives, and strategies, as well as set targets* to achieve the goals developed in Phase 2. This work was informed by best-in-class research and involved in-depth conversations with education experts, practitioners, and decision makers from early childhood to K-12 education and from the business community to institutions of higher education. The complete Strategic Plan, released in June 2023, anchors the vision, mission, values, priorities, enablers, goals, metrics, targets*, and the flagship programs, initiatives, and strategies to the Blueprint’s promise of an excellent and equitable education for every child.

*Final targets will be released by late Fall 2023 using the Spring 2023 Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program results.