Strategic Plan Priorities + Enablers
The Strategic Plan priorities encapsulate the comprehensive stakeholder feedback received through multiple methods. Organized into a coherent sequence, the priorities trace the full journey and key milestones that a Maryland student needs to achieve from early childhood through K-12th grade to become successful in college, career, and life.
The priorities and enablers introduced in this section provide the framework for the development of measurable goals and specific strategies to transform public education in Maryland into a world-class educational system. With discreet, evidence-based markers, the priorities map out what a successful educational progression looks like for a Maryland student. The enablers detail the necessary structural conditions that need to be met for every student in the state to support them in successfully reaching their full potential.

All Maryland students are prepared socially, emotionally, and academically for success in kindergarten.

All Maryland students are proficient in reading by the end of third grade, and those who are not have the necessary supports to become proficient.

All Maryland students enter high school on track to meet the college and career readiness standard by the end of 10th grade, and are engaged socially, emotionally, and academically to succeed in progressively challenging and advanced level coursework aligned to college and career pathways.

All Maryland students graduate from high school college and career ready, and with an individualized plan to succeed in college, career, and life.
The enablers provide the framework for data-driven decision-making, resource allocation, human capital, and support systems that need to be in place for the priorities to be achieved. There are four enablers that detail the necessary structural conditions that need to be met for every student in the state to support them in successfully reaching their full potential.