Provide ongoing professional learning series focused on evidence-based pedagogy and ensuring meaningful use of assessments and other data to drive effective instructional practices (e.g. Learning Labs, Lesson Studies, etc.).
Evolve Maryland’s school Accountability System to align with Blueprint outcomes and prioritize student growth as a primary indicator of school quality and enhance reporting features.
Enhance and scale tools that enable effective local school systems’ operations and teaching and learning practices at both the district and school level (e.g. School Accountability Projection Tools).
Develop a new Statewide Finance and Data System to accurately measure and enforce accountability, collect and report new data, and advance public transparency and understanding of how State Aid calculations work.
Provide ongoing professional learning series focused on evidence-based pedagogy and ensuring meaningful use of assessments and other data to drive effective instructional practices (e.g. Learning Labs, Lesson Studies, etc.).
Evolve Maryland’s school Accountability System to align with Blueprint outcomes and prioritize student growth as a primary indicator of school quality and enhance reporting features.
Enhance and scale tools that enable effective local education agencies’ operations and teaching and learning practices at both the district and school level (e.g. School Accountability Projection Tools).
Develop a new Statewide Finance and Data System to accurately measure and enforce accountability, collect and report new data, and advance public transparency and understanding of how State Aid calculations work.
Snapshot of Engagement
On average, more than 78% of attendees reported being “highly satisfied” with the Early Literacy Learning Labs, while the remaining 22% reported being “satisfied” with the event. Overall, respondents found the event to be well-organized and informative, and they appreciated the intentional sequence of activities and selection of presenters. Participants found the opportunity to visit classrooms and observe instruction to be highly meaningful and beneficial.
Snapshot of Engagement
On average, more than 78% of attendees reported being “highly satisfied” with the Early Literacy Learning Labs, while the remaining 22% reported being “satisfied” with the event. Overall, respondents found the event to be well-organized and informative, and they appreciated the intentional sequence of activities and selection of presenters. Participants found the opportunity to visit classrooms and observe instruction to be highly meaningful and beneficial.
Professional Learning: Learning Labs
Learning labs provide an innovative approach for teachers and administrators to engage in collaborative learning and planning using Maryland schools and districts as labs. These labs offer a supportive environment where educators can experiment, reflect, and refine their instructional practices based on the specific needs and challenges of their schools.
This unique format provides educators with opportunities to learn from their peers as well as subject-matter experts while focusing on a specific topic anchored around essential and guiding questions – learning from real-world contexts and gaining valuable insights into effective strategies and solutions. The activities are structured to allow them to observe practices as they are applied, learn from host districts about the strategic decisions they have made, explore new ideas and learning, and put them into practice immediately.
The Maryland State Department of Education launched a series of Early Literacy Learning Labs in Calvert and Wicomico County, as well as Baltimore City in the spring of 2023. This two-day, in-person professional learning opportunity was designed for district literacy teams to collaborate on the application and implementation of high-leverage strategies and best practices in early literacy.
Professional Learning: Learning Labs
Learning labs provide an innovative approach for teachers and administrators to engage in collaborative learning and planning using Maryland schools and districts as labs. These labs offer a supportive environment where educators can experiment, reflect, and refine their instructional practices based on the specific needs and challenges of their schools.
This unique format provides educators with opportunities to learn from their peers as well as subject-matter experts while focusing on a specific topic anchored around essential and guiding questions – learning from real-world contexts and gaining valuable insights into effective strategies and solutions. The activities are structured to allow them to observe practices as they are applied, learn from host districts about the strategic decisions they have made, explore new ideas and learning, and put them into practice immediately.
The Maryland State Department of Education launched a series of Early Literacy Learning Labs in Calvert and Wicomico County, as well as Baltimore City in the spring of 2023. This two-day, in-person professional learning opportunity was designed for district literacy teams to collaborate on the application and implementation of high-leverage strategies and best practices in early literacy.