Maryland Transforms

A Strategic Plan Guidebook

The Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education have developed a multiyear Strategic Plan composed of three phases leading up to June 2023. The Strategic Plan anchors the vision, mission, values, priorities, enablers, goals, and flagship programs, initiatives, and strategies to realize the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future promise of an excellent and equitable education for every student. This guidebook articulates the elements of each phase of the Strategic Plan.

PHASE 1: The vision and mission for transforming public education in Maryland. The values that inform our everyday practices and relationships with our diverse communities and stakeholders. The priorities that must be achieved to ensure a successful educational experience for every Maryland student, from early childhood to college and careers. The enablers, or structural conditions, regarding data-driven decision-making, resource allocation, human capital, and support systems that need to be in place.

PHASE 2: The goals that guide our direction in creating long-lasting, positive change in education. The metrics, or the data sources and data subsets, used to evaluate progress and establish baseline measures.

PHASE 3: The programs, initiatives, and strategies grounded in research and modeled around national best practices to create high-quality learning environments for students.