Outreach Examples and Figures

Serving as ambassadors for the Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education, the engagement team sought out community feedback, built partnerships, hosted town hall meetings, round tables, workshops, and more.
The engagement team was responsible for implementing strategies to reach stakeholders on their terms. Below are a few examples of some of the strategies used during the first phase of engagement for the strategic planning process.

Serving as ambassadors for the Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education, the engagement team sought out community feedback, built partnerships, hosted town hall meetings, round tables, workshops, and more.
The engagement team was responsible for implementing strategies to reach stakeholders on their terms. Below are a few examples of some of the strategies used during the first phase of engagement for the strategic planning process.
Event Promotion
The Maryland State Department of Education engagement staff attended 133 virtual and in-person events interacting with 8700+ participants to promote the strategic planning survey and provide stakeholders with opportunities to take the survey.

Social Media
A social media campaign was developed to promote the survey, round tables, listening sessions, as well as community events. More than 1,176,295 impressions were recorded during this time on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.
Postcard Mailer
Over 70,910 direct mail pieces were distributed in three rounds across six counties.
- Baltimore City: 21,011
- Baltimore County: 14,953
- Montgomery County: 1,789
- Prince George’s County: 16,704
- Charles County: 2,242
- Somerset County: 2,421
- Howard County: 9,717
- Worcester County: 2,074

Door Hangers
More than 25,110 door hangers were distributed in three rounds across four different counties.
- Baltimore City: 5,889
- Baltimore County: 7,543
- Montgomery County: 2,508
- Prince George’s County: 9,173
Digital Media
The Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education publicized recorded versions of round tables, listening sessions, and community conversations on the MSDE TV YouTube channel. Collectively, those videos received over 12,000 views and continue to be available to the public.

Community Outreach
An outreach toolkit including sample language for newsletters and emails, social media graphics, and a flyer was distributed to promote the strategic planning survey. The toolkit was emailed to more than 3,500 groups. Over 33,000 physical flyers were distributed to close to 325 community partners throughout the state. Posters were displayed in high-traffic areas of public transport and accounted for more than 6 million impressions.